Past Events 2018
Kilt Night for Tartan Day

Kilt Night Friday, April 6th at Persimmon Hollow starting at 6pm and lasting till? Come and go when you wish. Persimmon Hollow is Kid Friendly.
111 W Georgia Ave,
DeLand, FL, 32720
Join the Celtic Norse Heritage Society as we recreate the Viking Invasion of the World.
Beginning at 7 pm Saturday, June 16, 2018
We will gather our Great Army of Pillagers at Kattegat aka the parking lot of the Sanford Supermarket at 329 Sanford Ave, Sanford, FL.
The Great Army will then proceed directly to the attack on the monastery at Lindisfarne aka The Stranded Sailor British Pub.
One hour later, the Great Army will continue with a raid through Normandy and the Mediterranean to arrive and pillage Wops Hops Brewing Company and Kitchen.
One hour later, the Great Army will cross the Great Ocean aka Sanford Ave to arrive in North America and pillage Sanford Brewing Company.
Cost is $15 and includes T-shirt.
(407) 321-9599